Join a BROTHERHOOD of excellence, and increase your CONFIDENCE and CLARITY in business & relationships in 4 months without anxiety or burnout


Who are Ready to Step Onto
The Path of Brotherhood

No more lone-wolfing life. Join a tribe of like-minded men and receive the guidance and accountability you need to break unhealthy habits, unleash your gifts, and access your full potential.


Hear from previous clients

"The amount of growth that I’ve seen within myself and the other men in this program with building habits, building consistency, and learning to be in touch with our bodies, the overall camaraderie and support has been such a positive in my life. If you’re thinking of doing it, I would highly highly highly encourage you to do so, honestly these weeks have been so transformational for myself and so many other men on there."

Taylor W
Halifax, Nova Scotia

"Words fail to capture the depth of my gratitude for Jordan, my guiding light throughout the toughest 6 months of my life. I faced my inner demons, confronted pain head-on, and conquered addictions that held me back. With Jordan's unwavering support, we transformed my living situation, healed from a heart-wrenching breakup, and addressed childhood traumas. There's so much more to this journey, and I believe Jordan is destined to become a renowned coach in this space. Writing this feels overwhelming, but I know I can't navigate life alone. We're a team, and I'm here to offer my loyalty and support to you and your family. More than words, I'm committed to taking action because there's so much more to say."

Coby W
Influencer & DJ

"Meeting Jordan was a turning point in my life when I was at rock bottom. Motivation was a distant memory, and I struggled to even get through a workday without breaking down. The turmoil seeped into my home life, causing turmoil and pain. But after just one session with Jordan, a smile returned to my face, revealing the power within me to create happiness and awareness. My journey away from that dark place is like steering a boat, each small turn of the wheel guiding me farther from where I once stood. Looking back, I can't recognize the person I used to be, and I'm grateful for every moment on this transformative path. Jordan, thank you for steering me toward safety, happiness, and self-awareness."

Dion F
Perth, WA

What is the difference between men who play big and have a massive impact on the world compared to the ones who stay stuck living beneath their potential?

They don’t try to figure it all out on their own.

Procrastination, people-pleasing, and burnout are all signs of a man who lacks clarity. When you don’t have clarity on WHO you are, and WHY you’re here, it can feel frustrating & overwhelming you start to doubt yourself, and this creates a lack of confidence.

When a man has a brotherhood that includes coaching, guidance & accountability, he starts to unlock:

  • 👉🏼 Unshakable confidence because he knows his values and priorities, he’s not afraid to say no and sets strong boundaries
  • 👉🏼 Freedom and inner peace because he’s able to let go of the shame, guilt, and anxiety weighing him down
  • 👉🏼 A new level of intimacy in his relationships because he has built a stronger relationship with himself
  • 👉🏼 Deep trust in himself and his ability to make aligned decisions because he is less in his head and more EMBODIED

Do you sometimes feel like no matter how much you “achieve,” there is still something missing or lacking? 

Do you sometimes go through cycles of overworking & overstimulating to hit your goals, only to burn yourself out and lose connection and presence in your relationships?

I’ve been there.

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Hi, my name is Jordan.

After coaching and supporting thousands of men on how to live with more confidence, presence and purpose while impacting over 100 million people through my content, I’ve managed to develop a simple process to help men break free from unhealthy habits, re-wire their subconscious beliefs and access their fullest potential. 

Inside THE PATH BROTHERHOOD I’ll show you how to:

👉🏼 Regulate your nervous system to release the emotional pain from your past and stay grounded in your authenticity.

👉🏼 Build habits, routines, and rituals that keep you present and focused so that you’re not leaking energy and burning yourself out

👉🏼 Take the intimacy and connection in your relationships to a whole new level by understanding how to lead with confidence and certainty.

👉🏼 Reach a new level of creativity, consistency and success in your business/career without compromising your peace, freedom, or joy.

❝ Men who have lived significant lives are men who never waited: not for money, security, ease, or women. Feel what you want to give most as a gift to your woman and to the world, and do what you can to give it today. Every moment waited is a moment wasted, and each wasted moment degrades your clarity of purpose. ❞

David Deida
The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire

What is the content of the program?

Discover the daily practices & rituals that will help you ground, centre and align your energy to awaken your creative gifts and fulfill your purpose.

Weekly coaching and support so that you’re held accountable to breaking old habits and building new ones

Personalized success plan so that you know what to prioritize to see maximum results

Discover simple Qi Gong, meditation practices that will help relax your mind and calm your nervous system so you can move from abundance instead of scarcity.

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Each Week You Will Recieve:

Masterclass Training
A curated curriculum to support your personal and spiritual growth.

Live Coaching Sessions
Get personalized support from Jordan so you can let go of whats getting in your way.

Challenges and Practices
Build new habits and rituals that align with your highest purpose.

On-Demand Access Telegram Channel Support
24/7 support and a tribe of men who've got your back.

Brotherhood Accountability Calls
Exclusive community of driven, heart-lead men who are on the same path.

1:1 Coaching
Stop self-sabotaging by getting on-demand support.

I was really lacking discipline and integrity, and wanted to hold myself accountable more, but was struggling with that. The reason why I joined The Path is because I wanted to be around an environment of men who were working on themselves, and wanting to better themselves.

Having calls to show up to every week and touch points through the Telegram group, have been powerful for my emotional, spiritual, and mental world. The 12 domains really look at you as a whole, wholistic being. It's been one of the best investments I've made in my personal development journey, and I've spent a lot of time with therapists, coaches, and councillors.

Luke H

CEO Webflow

What are the program phases?

The 12 Domains are explored per week, between 3 Phases, each phase building on top of each other and unlocking more momentum and results:

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What is the focus per phase?

Phase 1 | Clearing
(the old self)

Removing and resourcing the energetic blockages of potency.
Develop a potent and motivating vision for your life.
WEEK 2 | Awareness
Break free from the toxic patterns holding you back.
Week 3 | Emotional
Resolve unfinished emotions and strengthen your heart.
Week 4 | Spirituality
Act in the face of fear with trust in your Higher Power.
Phase 2 | Building
(the present self)

Integrate new and elevated layers of discipline, integrity, and alignment.
Week 5 | Health
Upgrade your physical engine and achieve optimal well-being.
Week 6 | Movement
Elevate your physical practices to new levels of strength, awareness, flexibility, and presence.
Week 7 | Mind
Become laser focused and expand your capacity for learning.
Week 8 | Character
Learn to honor your word and maintain integrity with yourself and others.
Phase 3 | Expanding
(outside of future self)

Removing and resourcing the energetic blockages of potency.
Week 9 | Family
Develop a potent and motivating vision for your life.
Week 10 | Relationships
Install new ways to deepening your most important relationships.
Week 11 | Money
Unlock abundance mindset and take control of your financial future.
Week 12 | Work
Maximize your creative output, forever.

Why is brotherhood important?

Brotherhood is the medicine.

The men inside The PATH Brotherhood are high-caliber men coming together to unlock full potency in all areas of life – inside a community grounded in respect, integrity, and responsibility.

The space inside this container is sacred, real, and transformational, because we are coming together to be the absolute best version of ourselves, and to invite (and bring out) greatness in and from each other.

The nature of this work and the applications ensured the highest level of accountability, mentorship, and support – as every member brings their expertise and talents to the table.

No hype, zero excuses, everybody elevating one another. No man left behind.

Who is leading the program?

Jordan Candlish

Master Coach

With over 100 million views and thousands of individual success stories, Master coach Jordan Candlish is a proven global ambassador for men who need to reclaim their masculine power by unleashing full potency in all areas of their lives.

Augusto Mari

Head Coach

Augusto Mari has reached the pinnacle of an already distinguished career serving as Co-Curriculum Designer and right hand to Jordan Candlish – the driving force behind “THE PATH”. Augusto’s acute attention to detail and sharp strategic abilities have proven invaluable for this program.

Gani Gutierrez

Support Coach

Dani, based in Toronto & Mexico City, is a holistic energy coach, deep house DJ, and event creator. With a diverse background in mixology, marketing, and events, Dani's true ambition is serving others. Through meditation and self-growth, he empowers high achievers to find clarity, pursue passions, and share their unique gifts with the world.

Mikey Spivak

Support Coach

Toronto-based entrepreneur and coach, Michael, transforms lives through personal breakthroughs and authentic self-expression. With certifications in NLP coaching and breathwork, he established Coldture, offering innovative tools like ice baths. Empowering individuals to overcome barriers, Michael creates a nurturing environment for connections and personal growth.

Ryan Tyrell

Support Coach

Ryan, a former professional rugby player and retired police officer, is now a life/transformation coach at The Path. With a passion for human performance and men's mental health, he has delved into various modalities like breathwork, Qi-gong, and meditation. Ryan's purpose is to serve his community by fostering physical and spiritual growth, alongside his family at The Path.

Hear from the men who have experienced extraordinary personal growth and unleashed their true potential through The Path.

What's included in the program?

The PATH program includes:
4 Months of Live Mentorship with Jordan
Get live coaching to support you in what’s coming up in your life.
Weekly guidance to help you overcome personal challenges and get on the path of excellence and self-mastery.
Personalized 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Support Coach
Receive consistent personal support and accountability to help you win
Weekly Breathwork and Meditation Practices
Re-align yourself weekly with guided breathwork and meditation techniques
Weekly Small Group Gatherings
Develop powerful connections and accountability with your fellow brothers
Sacred Sharing Space
Release traumas, over-thinking, and anxieties inside containers of respect and accountability
Potency and Performance Tracking
Measure your real-life progress with platform tools
4 Month Access to The Path Brotherhood Community
Ask questions, get feedback, and help others inside our community chats
Daily Accountability Partner
Get inspiration, motivation, and support with a fellow brother
12 Weekly Masterclass Videos
Expand your knowledge with pre-curated lessons for each one of the 12 domains 
Personalized Weekly Challenges
Get confidence by pushing outside your comfort zone
Integrated Learning Platform
Access to centralized platform with all tools, resources, and community features 
Competition Scorecards and Prizes
Win 1:1 Coaching, Books, and more surprises by following through with your assignments 
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When does the program start?

🗓 March 27th 2024

12 weeks of back-to-back training, with 2 integration weeks between phases, and 4 months to unlock full potency.


Why should I join a Men’s group instead of 1-1 coaching or therapy?

The transformation inside a group container gets a multiplier effect because of the diverse support, deep connection through raw open sharings, and support and accountability for your actions over a long period of time. The reliability you will feel with the other men is so nourishing, In addition, you still get plenty of opportunities for 1:1 coaching.

I’ve done a lot of personal development work before, is this for me?

Most personal development work revolves around information accumulation, which can turn into mental masturbation if you’re not careful. You’re still looking for answers mainly because you’re not embodying what you’re learning. THE PATH focuses on providing specific practices and a high level of accountability so that you FEEL a new level of confidence, presence and abundance that transfers over to your business/career & your relationship.

How does this men’s program differ from other men’s programs?

We believe this is currently the most complete, supportive, and multi-dimensional program. This includes the 1:1 coaching, the accountability systems, the learning curriculum, and the resources provided. We also bring any expert guest coaches and facilitators who would normally charge thousands of dollars for one-off coaching. In addition, we have a strict filtering process that ensures the highest calibre of participation and as a result, a powerful container and community for transformation.

I’m already extremely busy with work, will I be able to manage the time & effort required?

The potential of what you can achieve is directly correlated with the commitment, energy, time, sacrifice and dedication you put into the program. The more you put in it, the more you get out of it. You will learn the tools, practices and rituals to expand your mental and emotional capacity, so our promise is that you will become more effective at managing your time because you won’t be leaking energy through overthinking & unhealthy habits. The program is set up to help you make YOURSELF a priority and when you do, you’ll find that the belief of “I don't have time” was just an illusion the mind created to stop you from looking at what you’ve been avoiding

I’ve tried other programs and didn’t get results. What’s different here?

As mentioned above, this program is all about applying knowledge; the accountability system is set up so that you follow through, and there will be no man left behind on this journey. There will be consistent checking and an opportunity to get support if you feel like you're not making progress; I’ve brought on a team of world-class coaches to help me ensure that rising tides lift all ships.

How do I know if I’m ready? I don’t want this to be another thing I start and abandon.

From start to finish, the program contains roughly 40 hours of content, including the weekly coaching call. This can vary depending on how much bonus content you consume, but on average, it’s around 40.

Breaking this down into weekly commitments, it’s about 3-5 hours a week, or 30 mins a day. If you think hard enough, 30 minutes in your daily routine (or maybe on the weekend) can accommodate this learning.

What if I live in a time zone outside of North America?

Many of our graduates (as well as team members) live outside of North America in various time zones. After you sign up you can access the materials online twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year. We accept that everyone has different schedules in different time zones, so we’ve tailored our program to be flexible enough to accommodate the digital nomad lifestyle.

What if I sign up and decide this program isn’t good for me?

If you're not completely satisfied within the first month of purchasing the program, we’ll jump on a call with you and try to resolve any issues you may be having. We offer a 45-day action taker guarantee, in which we’ll refund your purchase as long as you’ve tried to make the program work for you.

How does the program work?

This program is broken down into three main phases throughout the 12 modules. Modules 0-4 is a clearing phase where we work on the emotional energetic level, removing the heaviness that’s weighing you down. Modules 4-8 are dedicated to building the physical layer, developing and embodying a new level of energetic clarity to play big in life. Finally, modules 9-12 are focused on EXPANSION and is all about you expressing your fullest potential in the areas of life that matter (purpose, relationships & family).

What kind of coaching will I get in this program?

This program offers 4 different levels of coaching. The first coaching is in the form of your microunit group calls; this is where you will have access to a highly skilled & experienced head performance coach who will be supporting you weekly. The group size will be between 8 and 10. This group will feel like family, and you will have friends for life after this.Throughout the four months, you will also have access to group Q&A calls to get personalized support from me and other world-class guest coaches I bring on.The third method of coaching happens continually through the private Telegram community. Here you can chat back and forth with others in the program, post up your homework, ask questions and much, much more.The fourth & final method is personalized 1-1 coaching that’s available upon request via or apprentice coaches, these are past graduates of THE PATH that are here as an extra layer of support should you need more private one on one guidance.

What is your refund policy if I am not satisfied with my progress in the program?

We are committed to providing a transformative experience that fosters significant personal growth. We stand behind the quality of our program and offer a 30-day money-back guarantee to ensure your satisfaction.

Eligibility for a Refund:
To qualify for a refund, participants must meet the following criteria:

  • Complete All Weekly Challenges: You must actively participate and complete all assigned weekly challenges within the 30-day period from the start date of the program.
  • Full Attendance: You must attend 100% of the scheduled calls. Attendance is tracked and must be verifiable.

How to Request a Refund:
If you have met the above requirements and are not satisfied with your progress, you may request a refund by:

Contacting our support team via email at (please provide this or your actual contact email) within 30 days of the program's start date.

Including a brief explanation of why the program did not meet your expectations along with evidence of completed challenges and attendance.

Our team will review your request and generally process eligible refunds within 7-10 business days after approval.

Additional Notes:
Refunds will be issued to the original method of payment.
We reserve the right to deny refund requests if the participant fails to meet the required conditions outlined above.